What are my options?

Divorce and custody disputes mean big decisions and life-altering options, all at a time when you are least strong, often confused, and maybe deeply wounded. Let yourself have the support and expertise to determine your best course of action, i.e. the way to keep the maximum amount of assets in your estate and not flowing out to experts and lawyers. Depending on the circumstances of your case, these may include:

  • Early stipulated settlement;
  • Early mediation;
  • Pursuing divorce through the collaborative process;
  • Pursuing Legal Separation in lieu of divorce;
  • Obtaining financial discovery prior to legal proceedings;
  • Obtaining help for family members suffering from addiction, alcoholism, or mental illness;
  • Obtaining help and support for your children as they move from one home to two;
  • Family and individual counseling;
  • Addressing the human and legal impact of domestic violence and abuse allegations;
  • mmediate (i.e. 24 hour) support orders;
  • Cash allocations to the supported spouse and family members from the community property assets;
  • Property restraints and accountings; and
  • Aggressive, ethical pursuit of court ordered remedies.

What can I expect next?

The realization that you may need to end your marriage, or being launched into a family law matter involuntarily can be deeply emotional for all family members, and is almost always disorienting. Understanding with some detail what to expect next helps reorient and move you forward toward your new life. In your no-obligation consultation, Cindy will explain:

  • How the legal process is started and how long the process may take in your case;
  • How much will your case cost and how will it be paid for;
  • How immediate support orders can be made;
  • If mediation is an option in your case, when will it take place and what preparation is necessary;
  • Whether your will have to appear in court, and if so, what preparation to expect;
  • The financial disclosures that are required of the parties and how are they prepared and exchanged;
  • How taxes may be filed during the pendency of the divorce;
  • How health insurance may be handled post-judgment;
  • How pensions and military retirements are handled by the family court;
  • The duration of support post-judgment;
  • The portions of the judgment that are modifiable post-judgment and the portions of the judgment that cannot be modified;
  • How assets that are accidentally omitted from the judgment are handled;
  • How concealment and fraud is discovered and handled by the family court and the consequences of such conduct in family court proceedings.
  • How issues of domestic violence, abuse and neglect will be addressed if present in your case.

These determinations vary depending on the specifics of your case and circumstances, and the needs of you and your family. If any of the foregoing are issues in your case, consider a consultation with a specialist before taking that next step and arm yourself with the knowledge necessary to move forward.

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